A Purpose-Driven Blog

giphy (1)I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions, special prayers wishes, or hopes. This year,  I may join the New Year something-or-other movement. It just feels right.

For 2015, I have been like the boy in the gif image. Just doing a lot of nothing that seemed to look like something. I haven’t been earning a living in a meaningful way.  My present and the immediate future look pretty much the same – unfocused and unproductive.

I read that  Compassion, the Christian charity organization,  chose Measure as their word – the way that God measures things – in abundance and never-ending as his goodness and giving is and always has been. Alice Ronzino at A Life Overseas has chosen the word, Wholehearted. Good choice, and by the way, a well-written tale of 2015 and beyond.

The blog could benefit from new direction, too. I like writing about myself because, well, I like myself. Writing about myself is the laziest way to write, too, I think.

But what about writing about my heritage? I love some of the stories I hear about my ancestors. Maybe I should write them down?  Or, what about stories about People in the Margins? I love to seek out the unknown, unseen peoples in every room, crowd, or situation. No one cares about their story, but most of those folks have more interesting tales than the richer, talented, successful people.

What see ye? Where do I go? And yes, I am considering renting this little house in Louisiana in order to satisfy more of my wanderlust. More on that another time, maybe.  For now, I am focusing on Purpose.


10 thoughts on “A Purpose-Driven Blog

  1. I’m with you on New Year’s resolutions. Why wait if you want to do something differently? I’m continually trying to improve my life, so I make constant, little changes along the way.

    As for what you write, it needs to be something that interests you, or it’ll be hard to keep up. Tales of folks along the margins or elsewhere always interest me, so I’d put a vote for that. Or for ancestors, or whatever. You also might write about what motivated you to go to Honduras and do the work you did there.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we also are seeking.


  2. Ah! Purpose! That was my word in 2013. A new word comes with each new year. I love it. And purpose is interesting because of the variance in pronunciation and meaning. A dual word if you will. I hope you share with us some of how it manifests in your life this year. Isn’t it fun to have a focus of such? Not to mention the marveling at what it teaches us.

    Also – I raise my hand for stories! Your story, .anyone’s story. I collect stories. They’re fabulous to pull out when a path I’m on crosses my memory of one, and I’m found conjuring and sharing it and on it goes.

    I always tell people to “bring back good stories”.

    Here’s wishing you and yours a wonderful year!


  3. People tell me I have an inherited trait for story-telling. I need to practice it here on the blog, probably about interesting people who are the upside down people, the down and outers, the people who seemingly don’t count. Those are the people that interest me.


  4. I wish I had recorded some of my grandparents’ stories. There are so many things that my kids will never know about their great-grands. Family history, our heritage, is a wonderful story.


    1. My family lost a cassette tape of my grandfather who recorded many old stories. My mom is getting older, but she remembers lots of old stuff from her parents day as well as stories from older relatives. I need to talk to her more this year before she gets fuzzy about those days. Heritage is important. I want her grands and great grands to know about her.


      1. My father’s father was our family historian. He wrote down a lot of the stories, going back to 990 AD, for us to pass on to our children and grandchildren.


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